Friday, January 11, 2013

two weeks in

for me. 

started back to work on monday with a "work day". i love having that time to catch up with coworkers and rave about our breaks plan, get my classroom ready, and get my brain in the right mindset. 

it was a great week and so refreshing seeing all those familiar faces step foot back into room 218. 

this week was the first week that i would be doing my new "workout plan" starting at 6am. ive never been a consistent exerciser - and definitely not in the mornings. "those" people were the looney ones in my book.

well, world. i am a looney one. although, today was the end of my second week working out in the mornings, i have loved it. 

i knew i wanted to started doing this back in the fall because i was working out 3-4 times a week after school. i wasn't getting home until 5:30 or 6:00 and i was dead worthless. i never felt like i had time for "me" or time to do things with friend or family last minute; and to me that is the important stuff. so i made a sacrifice; I CAN SPARE ONE HOUR OF SLEEP EACH MORNING TO WORKOUT AND SPEND TIME WITH FAMILY. WIN.WIN. i am. two weeks down. and i feel great. 

i have seen so many great benefits to working out in the morning. i have more energy. no headaches. i crave healthier food. i am happier. the list goes on. you could say this is starting to hold me together.

as a teacher, i needed to back up my "benefits" with research. and it's true. 

thanks to yahoo. 

1. Morning Exercisers Stick With It
Studies have shown that people who exercise in the morning, or being a morning exercise routine, are more likely to still be exercising one year later, when compared to those who exercise at other times of the day.
soooo true. i DO NOT see myself quitting or giving up anytime soon. i actually look forward to it. don't judge.
2. Morning Exercisers Have More Energy
Although you may have to drag yourself out of bed in the morning, the energy you create by exercising in the morning will sustain you through the day. You will have more energy to go to work, take care of the kids, or do whatever it is you do all day.
You also have more energy to exercise in the morning, than after a long day of work or childcare.
absolutely. i have cut down to only one cup of coffee in the mornings compared to my mug and a half, sometimes two mugs per morning. 
3. Morning Exercisers Sleep Better
Exercising in the morning will help you sleep better at night. By getting up earlier, you will go to sleep earlier, hopefully finding your natural sleep cycle. Working out in the evening hours can create an adrenalin rush that may be hard to come down from and get some sleep. a baby....
4. Morning Exercisers Eat Better
A psychological and nutritional benefit that comes with morning exercise is a day of eating better. When wake up early to exercise, and spend an hour or more actually exercising before doing anything else, you will approach eating with a different mentality than if you exercise in the evening.
It is easier to avoid temptation and talk yourself out of eating unhealthily when you spend your waking hours sweating away the pounds. The fact that you got up and did something healthy and positive for you body will keep you from indulging or making the wrong food choices.
i've been pretty conscious what about i've been choosing to eat, just because i dont want to cancel all the hard work i put in at the crack of dawn. 
5. Morning Exercisers Are in a Better Mood
Another added benefit of a morning work out is enjoying the positive mood you have created. You will be proud of yourself for getting up an exercising. You will feel clear and calm by exercising in the morning. Exercise makes you feel good mentally as well as physically, and that feeling can last all day after a morning exercise routine.
Consider a morning physical fitness routine and reap the extra benefits of an a.m. work out.
i've noticed this myself. i haven't heard from anyone else other than the trainer at the gym who said "you must love morning workouts; you're in a much better mood." :proof:

So, while I am not perfect and the healthiest person on the planet, i'm pretty proud of myself for sticking with it and now that im sharing with everyone; it only holds me more accountable. 
i am enjoying a workout. i am happier. i have great energy. and i'm conscious about what i eat. i feel like that's a pretty good start to 2013. 
i'll leave you with this. i am a teacher and sometimes the world seems so cruel. but i found one of my students reading this and it made my heart so happy. innocence and faith still exists. 
two weeks and still holding it  together. 


  1. Hi heather!! I'm totally stalking you! I love your blog - very real and very creative. I became a follower!! It's funny because I have a blog too, you should "follow me" I'm at We are practically the same person. I miss you and think of you often. Keep your chin up. You've got a lot to offer.

  2. I used to be a morning workout person... was in the best shape ever. your motivating me to do it again :) I've fallen off the wagon and the wagon ran away!
