Saturday, January 19, 2013

grown up gifts

kitchen addition

so, if you are my 'friend' on facebook, you might have seen that i was pretty excited this week for our new sink and faucet to arrive and be installed. this is something i begged for for christmas. something i knew we would never buy ourselves and not something we technically needed but it is fabulous.

when we bought our house in feb 2011 - it was brand spankin new. amazing appliances. perfect finishes. perfect. except they cheated on the sink. it was your basic chrome shallow double bowl. 

i'm not domestic. there's not hiding that. so when i would complain attempt to do dishes, water. was. e v e r y w h e r e. 

long story short: for christmas i received a new sink and faucet which i even got to pick out off the showroom floor. you know you're old when....?

i picked a deep double black mix granite bowel that seems like a bathtub compared to our old one. and the faucet is touchless and so amazing. great for germs and future kids. 

i am loving my new kitchen addition.

i would recommend both of our choices to anyone. 

thankful for a handy man

out with the old, in with the new 
almost done dad?

the new beaut.
so spacious and roomy. 

downside? no excuses for not doing dishes...
better yet, maybe we will be fighting over who gets to do them. ha. 

1 comment:

  1. Cute! I love the touchless faucet. That's what I call fancy!
