Wednesday, November 20, 2013

the jacques' do DC - part one


you know that never notice things until they're not there? that is so true. 
you know how i know?

i can count on one hand how many times my family has gone out to eat and when asked how many...we say 3. 
i can't tell you how many times we've actually eaten at the kitchen table in the last 2.5 years because no one wants to see the empty chair. 
i can't explain the pain it felt to get a new phone and be missing brother from my favorites. 
the list goes on, christmas, birthdays, riding in a car....four is just a much better number. 

i knew all these things were going on...until our trip to washington, dc. you see...i have been fortunate enough to have ryan in life before losing my brother and since losing my brother, my ryan has coincidently filled that very important fourth spot: dinner table, restaurants, back seat of the car. 

until washington, dc. no ryan wasn't going. just me. my mom. my dad. 

for weeks until the trip, i was was until the very day we were leaving and my parents were picking me up from work, that i had a lump in my heart and heaviness in my heart. this was just one more DETAIL & REMINDER of why were leaving on "vacation". 

sitting in the back of my dad's truck on the way to airport is when reality hit. 

heather- this isn't vacation. you are going to washington, dc because you've been raising money for the eating disorder association so no one has to suffer your pain or your brandon's pain when dealing with a life threatening illness. 

reality can be a real B. 

with that said, i was excited to spend this quality time with my parents for this purpose. it had been a while since the three of us had spent time together just being us. life gets busy and i am thankful we were granted this opportunity on so many levels; making a change...amazing; sharing the experience with my parents...even better! :)

 it was really late when we arrived in washington. our first adventure started with a taxi ride to our first hotel. it was crazy, weaving in and out of traffic with us three in the back seat...kind of like when you're a kid and you purposely let the curves through you around the back seat to smash the other person....yep..that happened...

we arrive at our first hotel (i won't mention on) was beautiful..right down the street with an amazing view of our nation's capitol...we arrive to our room. and my dad quote "this place is made for midgets" between that and our slap-happiness from being awake for.  ev.   er. we laughed until our stomachs hurt...

before we knew it we were outside, walking the streets of washington, dc. with our luggage (thank GOD for luggage that rolls nicely) on to our next stop..

finally, a warm bed & a goodnight's rest...

after all, no pressure...tomorrow we would be at the capitol meeting with senators and representatives...try to sleep with THAT running through your head.


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